built, msvi, median in 300m buffer
Environment: Built Pollutant: MSAVI Variable: median MSAVI within 500m Name: MVI_MD5_XX_XX_%yr%_v2 Time period: 2000 - 2020 Temporal resolution: Annual (every 5y) Spatial... -
built, light at nigt, 500m buffer
Environment: Built Pollutant: Light at Night Variable: Light-at-night 500m buffer Name: LAN_B05_XX_XX_%yr%_v2 Time period: 2000 - 2020 Temporal resolution: Annual (every 5y)... -
physico-chemical, airpollution, Cupper in PM coarse, annual average
Environment: Physico-chemical/AirPollution Pollutant: Cu_in_PMC Variable: Cu in PMC Name: PMCCU_AAV_XX_XX_10_slr Time period: October 2008 and April 2011 Temporal resolution:... -
built, msvi, mean in 1km buffer
Environment: Built Pollutant: MSAVI Variable: mean MSAVI within 1km Name: MVI_ME1_XX_XX_%yr%_v2 Time period: 2000 - 2020 Temporal resolution: Annual (every 5y) Spatial... -
built, ndvi, median in 300m buffer
Environment: Built Pollutant: NDVI Variable: median NDVI within 300m Name: NDV_MD3_XX_XX_%yr%_v2 Time period: 2000 - 2020 Temporal resolution: Annual (every 5y) Spatial... -
physico-chemical, airpollution, null, annual average
Variable metadata undefined -
built, ndvi, mean in 500m buffer
Environment: Built Pollutant: NDVI Variable: mean NDVI within 500m Name: NDV_ME5_XX_XX_%yr%_v2 Time period: 2000 - 2020 Temporal resolution: Annual (every 5y) Spatial... -
physico-chemical, airpollution_25m, no2, null, annual average
Variable metadata undefined -
physico-chemical, airpollution, null, annual average
Variable metadata undefined -
physico-chemical, airpollution_25m, pm10, null, annual average
Variable metadata undefined -
built, impervious surface, 300m buffer
Environment: Built Pollutant: Imperviousness Variable: Imperviousness 300m buffer Name: IMP_B03_XX_XX_%yr%_v2 Time period: 2006 - 2018 Temporal resolution: Annual (every 3y)... -
physico-chemical, airpollution, null, monthly average
Variable metadata undefined -
physico-chemical, airpollution_100m, no2, null, annual average
Variable metadata undefined -
built, null, 300m buffer
Variable metadata undefined -
physico-chemical, airpollution, null, monthly average
Variable metadata undefined -
physico-chemical, light_at_night, null, not applicable
Environment: Built Pollutant: Light at Night Variable: Annual LAN Name: LAN2_XX_XX_XX_21_VNLv21 Time period: 2021.0 Temporal resolution: Spatial resolution: 500m Extent: The... -
built, blue space water, distance to nearest
Environment: Built Pollutant: Blue spaces Variable: distance to nearest blue space Name: BSW_DIS_XX_XX_%yr%_v2 Time period: 2013.0 Temporal resolution: Annual Spatial... -
built, green space CLC, distance to nearest
Environment: Built Pollutant: Green Space Variable: distance to nearest green space using CORINE Name: GSC_DIS_XX_XX_%yr%_v2 Time period: 2000 - 2018 Temporal resolution: Annual... -
built, msvi, median in 300m buffer
Environment: Built Pollutant: MSAVI Variable: median MSAVI within 300m Name: MVI_MD3_XX_XX_%yr%_v2 Time period: 2000 - 2020 Temporal resolution: Annual (every 5y) Spatial... -
physico-chemical, airpollution, Cupper in PM2.5, annual average
Environment: Physico-chemical/AirPollution Pollutant: Cu_in_PM2.5 Variable: Cu in PM2.5 Name: PM25Cu_AAV_XX_XX_10_slr Time period: October 2008 and April 2011 Temporal...
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